Bharat Nagar residents highlight demands

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Mar 8: A meeting of Bharat Nagar Enclave, Bantalab Welfare Committee was held under the chairmanship of M.K. Pandita, its president, in which various issues concerning the people of the area were discussed.
The meeting expressed serious concern over the dilapidated condition of the roads and bye lanes and urged the authorities of PWD to initiate the process of macadamization of the roads in the area. Further, the matter of irregular water supply even after the re-functioning of tube well near the overhand tank was deliberated upon and the authorities of Jal Shakti Department were urged to look into the matter and ensure regular water supply in the area.
The Committee, expressed concern over the non-installing of electric poles at the required places, resulting into hanging of heavy electric wires and putting of extra weight on the poles which is posing a great risk to the inhabitants of the area. The concerned authorities were urged to install the additional required electric poles and street lights on all the poles.
Others who attended the meeting include T.L.Kotwal, Lekh Raj Kotwal, Ravi Raina, Satish Kumar Matoo and Vinod Bhat.