Bhartiya Mazdoor Sangh celebrates foundation day

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, July 23: Bhartiya Mazdoor Sangh celebrated 60th foundation day at Brahman Sabha under the chairmanship of Subash Verma, State president, today.
Ram Dass Pandey, Central leader and Lakshman Ravinder Singh, senior leader of Bhartiya Mazdoor Sangh, J&K, addressed the workers of different units who participated in the programme.
While addressing the workers, the speakers highlighted the noble ideas of organisation which was founded on July 23, 1955, at Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh by Datta Pant Thengadi, a great man and philosopher of the nation and lived a simple life.
The organisation advocated the noble ideas of Bhartiya Sanskriti with national spirit of patriotism among the workers.
On the occasion, Ashok Choudhary, general secretary demanded to revise the minimum wage of workers to Rs 15000; implementation of labour laws properly; To abolish contract labour system and make proper records of the workers as per law with wage slip and employment card, implementation of ESI scheme and EPF with proper record, make permanent all the daily wagers in the State and check strictly corruption in different departments of the Government of all levels.