Bike accidents

Hardly any day passes when bike riders are not killed in road accidents.  On  November 22, two bike riders were killed. On  Nov. 27, a student got similarly killed. On  Nov 28. again a student bike rider got killed. The list is illustrative and not exhaustive. It is shocking that young buds die so tragically on roads plunging families in mourning and deep shock for years together. We always blame the traffic cops or the law enforcing agencies but that alone is not enough. Agreed the traffic police are found wanting in taking proper action against erring bike riders but what is the duty of the parents? Do they ensure that their dear ones wear crash helmets? Do they council them against taking more than one pillion rider on their bike? Do they take them to task for using ear phones radios etc while driving? Last but not the least do they strongly admonish them for over speeding and taking bikes from the left of a moving vehicle ahead? It is because of these factors mainly that such tragic accidents take place. Please stop this fiddling with precious lives, young lives.
Yours etc….
Rajinder Bakshi