Bishnah canal in bad condition

The Bishnah canal is in bad condition especially near K C Morh. The garbage dump in the canal emits foul smell that cause of lot of inconvenience to people and is a great health hazard. In view of this, it is urged to the concerned JMC and sanitation Bishnah staff to take possible measures to clean the canal nearby K C Morh Bishnah.
Vivaasha Vasu
Bishnah K C Morh
Clean nallah at Nanak Nagar
This is to draw the attention of the JMC authorities towards the nallah located in Street No. 10, Sector 7 Nanak Nagar, Jammu. The nallah is choked due to garbage dumped into it by people of the area. The nallah presents a disgusting picture and emits foul smell. The matter had been brought into the notice of the concerned authorities, but no action has been taken so far.
Hope, the matter will be taken into notice this time.
Ajit Gogi
Nanak Nagar, Jammu
Repair Thandapani-Taryath road on priority
Commonly all rural roads remain broken and ill-repaired,   but the condition of the road under subject is verily deplorable. There is absolutely no drainage system and the pits it contains appear pool of water in case of rain. Totally inconvenient and uncomfortable, the road is dangerous for safe travellers. It isn’t certain to what extent its poor condition would let the authorities realize the woes of those who are destined daily to travel on this road. Alas! the dream of Mahatma Gandhi Ji of rural development would remain untranslated into reality in the existing scenario Step-motherly attitude towards rural sector is an exhibition of unequal treatment towards the masses. It is hopelessly hoped that  something concrete would sure be executed as the condition of the road is indescribably horrible,
Keshwa Nand Sharma
Salehri (Sunderbani)
Plea to Narayana Hospital Management
There is urgent need to have cheap accommodation for night stay to attendants of patients visiting Narayana Hospital Katra (Reasi).
As there is no provision for night stay in the hospital, people are compelled to visit hotels and inns located outside the hospital premises. The hotels charge huge money from the people. Rather they fleece. Some hotels charge Rs 1000 to Rs. 2000 per night which a poor man can’t afford.
It is, therefore, requested to the Management Narayana Hospital Katra to arrange cheap accommodation for the poor patients visiting from the State.
Kuldip Raj Sharma
Garbage dump stinks K B Nagar
The K B Nagar, near Govt. Mixed Hr. Sec. School Durga Nagar has virtually turned into a dumping ground. Almost all the refuse of the Colony is dumped here, making it a repulsive sight. It has vitiated the whole environment near the Colony. What adds agony to the people is the presence of cattle and dogs there. The cattle keep on forging for food in this dump, and at times indulge in fighting. It may also be mentioned here that Ayurvedic Hospital functions in the vicinity.
Therefore, it is urged that this nuisance be removed at the earliest. Rather, arrangement should be made for door to door collection of garbage.
Rangat Vij
K B Colony, Bantalab