BJP alleges conspiracy behind Kishtwar incidents

Excelsior Correspondent

Dr Jitendra Singh at a press conference at Jammu on Wednesday.
JAMMU, Oct 31: Alleging that there is a deep rooted conspiracy hatched by Pakistan agencies in connivance with Kashmir separatist groups to instigate communal unrest and militancy in the Chenab Valley region comprising three districts of Kishtwar, Doda and Ramban, which have traditionally been known for communal harmony, BJP chief spokesperson & national executive member Dr. Jitendra Singh reiterated that whatever the provocation, there can be no justification for anti-India protests or anti-national demonstrations for which the State’s Coalition Government is also answerable.
Addressing a press conference at party headquarters on Wednesday, Dr. Jitendra Singh said that incidents of Kishtwar over the last three days have sent out a dangerous message and the minority community is feeling insecure inspite of its staunch nationalist leanings while those hurling pro-Pakistan slogans are holding the town to ransom. He said even though no offender should be allowed to go scot free, it is against the rule of justice that on the one hand the Coalition Government is granting general amnesty and offering employment to former militants and youth returning from Pakistan, while on the other hand administration is said to be planning slap Public Safety Act (PSA) on minority community youth of Kishtwar for an unsubstantiated and relatively less serious offence.
Dr. Jitendra Singh said it is a strange paradox that while NC and Congress leaders accuse the BJP of being communal, it is they themselves who are responsible for encouraging communal elements. He said the district BJP unit of Kishtwar and party’s State secretary Sunil Sharma have played a highly appreciable role in restraining the minority community despite worst provocation and pacifying them from reacting to anti-religious and communal utterances by anti-national activists.
BJP State press secretary Balbir Rattan was also present in the press conference.
Meanwhile, BJP national executive member Dr Nirmal Singh while condemning the objectionable contents on social networking said that there should be no place for such things.
In a statement issued here today BJP leader said though such elements don’t deserve any sympathy, however, expressed surprise over the one sided action of the administration and demanded the arrest of those youth also who shouted anti India slogans.
He said no body is above the law and no one should be allowed to disturb peace in the State. Dr Singh said the administration should act in a partisan manner so that the people do not lose its confidence in it.