BJP betrayed Jammu people for vested interests: Balbir

Excelsior Correspondent

MAJALTA (UDHAMPUR), Aug 11:  Member of the Legislative Council (MLC) and senior Congress leader Thakur Balbir Singh today said that Congress party is committed to ensure equitable and balanced development in the State. He said that only Congress can ensure justice with all regions and sub-regions of the State.
Addressing a meeting organized by Block Congress Committee (BCC) Majalta president Om Parkash Sharma at Manwal today,  Thakur Balbir Singh said that during the tenure of PDP-BJP regime State had witnessed lopsided and unequal development which resulted into backwardness of remote areas. He reiterated that tenure of PDP-BJP coalition would be remembered as darkest period of J&K history.
“After testing different political parties, now there is realization among people of Jammu region only Congress can protect their interests”, he said and added that it is historical fact Congress’s inclusive policies and developmental agenda has ensured balanced development in the State.
Expressing his anguish mounting problems of the common masses, Singh regretted that PDP-BJP coalition regime had done nothing to solve basic problems of the people. He said that people of Jammu, who had voted in favour of BJP, now feel cheated and betrayed because BJP representatives have been protecting their petty personal interests at the cost of common masses.
Lambasting BJP, Thakur Balbir Singh said that this party has betrayed people of Jammu region as nothing has been done to solve their day today problems. BJP has failed on all fronts to provide an honest, accountable, efficient and clean administration in the State.  He said that residents of Jammu had voted over-whelmingly in favour of BJP in the 2014 Parliament and Assembly elections but  the Saffron Party has failed to come up to the expectations of the people, who are even struggling to get basic amenities.
Romal Singh,  Suram Chand and  Ch Mohammad Latif also spoke on the occasion.