BJP clears 3 MLC candidates

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Mar 28: BJP has cleared the names of three candidates to be nominated to Upper House.
According to party sources three names have been cleared by Party High Command out of the penal of names submitted by the State leadership recently.
Sources said former BJP State president and two times MLA, Ashok Khajuria, Party vice president Ramesh Arora and RSS            ideologue Surinder Ambardar are among the three leaders cleared by the Party High Command today.
Sources are not confident about the fourth candidate and said that it can be either a veteran SC leader of the Party Bansi Lal Bharti or former Minster Ajatshatru Singh who joined the BJP recently after quitting the NC.
It may be recalled that eight nominated seats to Upper House fell vacant on March 27 after the expiry of the term of its members. The BJP and PDP who are coalition partners have to nominate four candidates each as per the coalition agenda. The names of BJP and PDP candidates are likely to be submitted to State Governor N N Vohra within a day or two who will make their nominations to the Upper House, sources added.