BJP compromises educated youth’s future in J&K: Manjit Singh

Excelsior Correspondent

VIJAYPUR, Oct 1: Apni Party Provincial President Jammu and former Minister, Manjit Singh today condemned the role of BJP in compromising the future of young generation in Jammu and Kashmir by enabling the outsiders to grab natural resources.
Addressing a monthly meeting of Apni Party leaders and workers at Vijaypur, Manjit Singh said that the BJP has betrayed the people of J&K with false slogans of protecting their constitutional rights.
“BJP has disappointed the youth who had pinned hopes for a bright future as claimed by the saffron party when it removed the special status,” he said recalling how the BJP misled the youth with their hollow slogans and assurances.
He said that the BJP had promised employment to the youth but many selection processes were cancelled after major scams came to surface and the genuinely selected aspirants for various posts were victimized.
“Under BJP, J&K has witnessed major scams in recruitment and the unemployed youth were left to hopelessness and uncertainty still continues for them even after direct rule of BJP which claimed that it would bring good days for common man,” he said.
He also said that the youth are not getting employment in highway widening projects, power projects, tourism, and industrial sectors although the non-locals are being hired from out of J&K and the jobs are provided to them by snatching jobs from the local youth.