BJP criticises Omar Govt for spreading communalism

NEW DELHI : The Bharatiya Janata Party today criticised the Omar Abdullah government in Jammu and Kashmir for communalising the recent Kishtwar incident by saying that ‘two Muslims and one Hindu’ had died in the firing.
Party National Secretary Vani Tripathi while condemning the state government for its comments, told that “It is a shame on the part of the Omar Abdullah government that the Kishtwar incident occurred. In spite of calling their party secular, he is spreading the message of communal hatred.
I would like to ask Mr Abdullah how could he segregate the deaths? He could have used three nationals died instead of two Muslims and one Hindu.”
She further said the Opposition would raise this question in Parliament on Monday.
“We want the Central government to answer on the Kishtwar incident, the Food Security Bill, Land Acquisition Bill and if they aren’t able to provide satisfactory explanations, then we are again going to disrupt further proceedings,” the spokesperson warned.
Ms Tripathi said Kashmiri youths were unfocussed and need proper guidance. BJP, she said, was going to launch a programme named ‘Yuva’ for the youth of the Kashmir and the rest of the country.
The ‘Yuva’ would focus on bringing the youth of the country in policy making and raise awareness of their rights, she said.