BJP for enhancing surveillance on Mughal Road

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Oct 24: Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) today stressed for maintaining high surveillance on Mughal Road, connecting twin border districts of Rajouri and Poonch, to ensure that road is used for people connect and for trade and business activities instead of fomenting hatred in peace loving society of twin districts.
While making strong case for heightened security check and sanitizing the people travelling on Mughal Road, State chief spokesperson of BJP, Sunil Sethi said that the Mughal Road is being used by radical and fringe elements of Kashmir for anti national, anti-social, divisive and illegal activities while the people of twin districts are not getting the benefits of the Road.
He said there are reports of increased distribution and availability of narcotics in twin districts moving through Mughal Road which is very serious. He further said that separatist elements from Valley are frequently visiting in twin border districts to fan communal hatred but they couldn’t succeed in their nefarious designs because of traditional communal harmony prevailing in region.