BJP failed to fulfill promises made in 2014 elections: DCC

DCC leaders during a mega election rally at Polo Ground in Leh. —Excelsior/Morup Stanzin
DCC leaders during a mega election rally at Polo Ground in Leh. —Excelsior/Morup Stanzin

Excelsior Correspondent

LEH, Apr 16: District Congress Committee (DCC) Leh today held a mega rally at historical Polo Ground during which party leaders said that the Modi Government has failed to come up to the expectation of people and fulfill the promises made in 2014 election.
The rally was addressed by senior congress leaders Nawang Rigzin Jora, Advocate Dorjay Gyaltsan, Ex-MLA Tsering Samphel, Ex-MLA Deldan Namgyal, former Executive Councillors Mohd Shafi Lassu, Gurmet Dorjay, Sonam Dorjay, Abass Abidi, DCC president Tsering Namgyal and Women Wing president Rinchen Dolkar.
While terming the BJP Government as Jumla Bazi Government, Congress MP candidate Rigzin Spalbar, in his speech, urged the root level workers to gear up for upcoming election to highlight the achievements of Congress Government in the past. Appealing the people to vote for congress party Spalbar said that people should weigh the candidates experience and achievement in the past without believing on false promises and monetary benefit.
He added that Congress party’s ideology is based on Indian constitution and people should have full faith in it. “My priority would be my sincere efforts to bring unity between Leh and Kargil region and after going to the Parliament, I will raise the issues of Ladakh in the Parliament forcefully which has not been done till today,” said Spalbar.
He added that common people, farmers, transporters, ex-servicemen and students are facing problem due to sky rocketing airfares which is the result of bad policies of the Government. Speaking about the demands of UT, Bhoti language and Kailash Mansarvor road, Spalbar said BJP befooled the public with false promises and resignation of Thupstan Chhewang was the testimonial to the fact. He said Congress will not promise to fulfill these demands during election but will make efforts to bring Leh and Kargil on one platform to raise the issues.
Nawang Rigzin Jora said that Congress believes in inclusive of all including minority whereas BJP plays divisive politics and there is threat to the secular character of Nation.