“BJP Mukt” Jammu only solution to woes of Dogras: Harsh Dev

NPP leader Harsh Dev Singh addressing a public meeting in Ramnagar on Tuesday.
NPP leader Harsh Dev Singh addressing a public meeting in Ramnagar on Tuesday.

Excelsior Correspondent
RAMNAGAR, Jan 29: Chairman NPP and former Minister Harsh Dev Singh said that having exploited the people of Jammu by its seductive slogans and false rhetoric during elections and won 25 Assembly seats, the BJP had caused greatest embitterment in the hearts and minds of Dogras during its three and half years rule in the State.
Addressing public meeting at Dalsar in Ramnagar today Singh said not only were the wishes and aspirations of the people trampled upon ruthlessly by the BJP leaders after their ascendance to power, but the very self respect and pride of Dogras was bartered away for petty personal gains and lust of power. He said having failed to fulfill even a single promise made by them to their Jammu electorates in their vision document, the BJP leaders worked as mere puppets of Mehbooba Mufti and promoted the Kashmir centric agenda in utter disregard for the sentiments of Dogras.
Criticising BJP for bartering away its age old political philosophy for power sake, Singh said that in doing so it not only compromised with the remnants of its own dignity but with the honour and pride of its people as well. “Issue of Art 370 and 35A which formed the ideological DNA of BJP were pushed isnto the oblivion despite they being sold in elections with a big splash. The policy of appeasement of separatists and anti-nationals was relentlessly pursued with release of around 11,000 stone-pelters together with a new scheme for rehabilitation of surrendered militants,” he added.
“When AIIMS was sanctioned for Jammu, it was offered on platter to Kashmir, courtesy the BJP leaders. And the people of Jammu region had to resort to agitational course for getting the same. The people of Jammu region were again cheated over the issue of declaration of holiday on September 23, the birthday of Maharaja Hari Singh,” NPP leader said.
Singh pointed out that plans of Artificial Tawi Lake, Smart City, Dogra Heritage projects and beautification of historical Raghunath Bazaar failed to take off. He said Rasana episode is a grim reminder of the BJP’s wicked politicking and its most petrifying conduct while in power. Not only did it deny CBI enquiry but joined the chorus of Kashmir centric leaders in dubbing Dogras as ‘rapists supporters’.
Calling upon the people to join hands irrespective of caste, creed and colour to overthrow the BJP juggernaut, Singh said that “BJP Mukt” Jammu alone was the solution to the woes of Jammu region.