BJP only party which remained functional during COVID: Dr Jitendra

Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh speaking to the media, at New Delhi on Sunday.
Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh speaking to the media, at New Delhi on Sunday.

Excelsior Correspondent

NEW DELHI, Nov 7: Speaking to media after the conclusion of the BJP National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting here today, Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh, who has continuously been the National Executive Member of the Party for over last one decade, said that BJP is the only political party which remained functional during COVID and the organizational activities continued uninterrupted throughout the pandemic.
Dr Jitendra Singh said, what makes BJP different from other political parties is that it has a well established structure with a constitution and its work culture is determined by certain firmly laid down conventions, traditions and practices. This enables the Party to be perpetually prepared to adjust and instantly reorient itself to any challenge, whether it is political or otherwise, and the same was also witnessed during the COVID pandemic, he said.
It is the inherent resilience and consistency of BJP, said Dr Jitendra Singh, which became distinctly visible during the COVID pandemic when, while all the other political parties had either become inactive or gone into hibernation, it was only the BJP which continued its calendar of activities uninterrupted not only virtually but also on the ground and the National President of the Party addressed the Karyakartas across the country several hundred times either virtually or sem-virtually or physically.
Dr Jitendra Singh said, the natural grooming and training of every BJP Karyakarta is to work against odds and this began right from the day when Syama Prasad Mukherjee had founded the party. The same cumulative institutional legacy also became the strength of unparallelled work done by BJP workers during the pandemic, even at the risk to their lives, he said.
Dr Jitendra Singh said, the service rendered by BJP Karyakartas across the country during the COVID is also evident from the fact that the maximum number of COVID positive cases among the workers of any political party happened to be in BJP. This, he said, also reflects the inherent training of every BJP Karyakarta to be able to function under the most hostile circumstances and, in fact, the birth of Bhartiya Jan Sangh in early 1950s was also ridden with all the hostilities around.