BJP-PDP 10-month rule marked by decadence, non-governance: Harsh

Excelsior Correspondent

JKNPP chairman, Harshdev Singh, addressing a public meeting in Ramnagar constituency.
JKNPP chairman, Harshdev Singh, addressing a public meeting in Ramnagar constituency.

UDHAMPUR, Feb 27: Describing the 10-month BJP-PDP rule in the State as a period of decadence, non development, non governance and lawlessness, Harshdev Singh, Chairman JKNPP and former Minister, said that the people of the State were fast realizing the havoc caused during the period by the unholy and opportunist alliance of the erstwhile coalition Government.
He said that the people had not only dis-approved out rightly the idea of alliance of two diametrically opposed parties but had also expressed their strong disapproval of the ‘Agenda of Alliance’ which offered nothing to the people except a power sharing formula to the coalition partners.
He said that the people of Jammu region in particular were feeling cheated and betrayed as none of the pre-poll pledges by the BJP during elections had been incorporated in the agenda of alliance. He regretted that gullible people of the Jammu region who had been seduced and mesmerized by the highly seductive slogans of BJP were utterly dis-illusioned with the Agenda of Alliance which was still being described as ‘sacred’ and ‘visionary’ by BJP leadership in their desperation to forge re-alliance with PDP.
Harsh was addressing public meetings in Sunetar, Dehari and Kanain villages of Ramnagar constituency. He ridiculed the much proclaimed slogans of “corruption-free Government” and “development” and alleged that the erstwhile BJP-PDP Government had miserably failed on both the fronts. He said that there was hardly any visible sign of the said Government during the ten month rule with its only achievement being the pre mature transfer orders of thousands of Government functionaries, issued on extraneous considerations.
He said that common masses were being deprived of their fundamental rights including drinking water, power, the casual labourers and daily rated workers were without wages and employees denied their salaries for months. He called upon the people to support JKNPP as this party alone had the capacity and audacity to confront the Kashmir centric leadership and ensure justice to Jammu region.