BJP running away from elections in J&K: PCC 

Senior PCC leaders during public meeting in Doda on Sunday.
Senior PCC leaders during public meeting in Doda on Sunday.

Excelsior Correspondent
DODA, Oct 22: BJP is running away from Assembly and other elections after sensing defeat given its failures and the betrayal after coming into power in 2014.
J&K has been left at the mercy of bureaucracy, aiming to rule it directly from the Centre with the result elections are being delayed despite claiming normalcy in J&K, J&K Pradesh Congress committee chief Vikar Rasool Wani said while addressing a largely attended party workers meeting in Doda.
JKPCC Working president Raman Bhalla and various other senior leaders also addressed the meeting.
Speaking on the occasion, Wani said even after claiming normalcy and development in J&K after reorganization of Princely State, Assembly elections are being deliberately delayed aiming to rule J&K directly from the Centre. He said common people are being abandoned of their democratic rights with the result they are suffering badly in absence of popular Government.
Apparently, BJP Govt at the Centre doesn’t want democracy to flourish in J&K. The UT is witnessing an unprecedented situation due to the policies adopted by BJP. People are confronted with tremendous hardships. There is disconnect between the administration and the common people, no one is ready to listen people’s grievances, though many all claims with regard to development, employment and prosperity are being made, but  the reality is common people have been pushed towards economic backwardness.
Wani said people want elections at the earliest and their democratic rights to be restored, but the confused BJP is running away from elections by adopting diversionary tactics and making false statements with regard to development etc. Adding that Congress Party is feeling highly concerned about the democracy and democratic rights of people which are under assault under BJP rule.
Speaking on the occasion Raman Bhalla highlighted  local developmental issues of people and slammed the BJP Govt for intimidating people and punishing them under the garb of various anti- people measures, especially imposition of different taxes especially toll taxes, smart meters etc, besides extreme joblessness has led to economic distress amongst the people  due to the failed policies of Centre and the J&K Govt, which are highly insensitive towards the wellbeing of  common citizens of J&K.
Senior leaders Naresh Gupta, Sham Lal Baghat, Sheikh Mujeeb,  Sheikh Rayaz, Dina Nath Bhagat, Javed Lone, Vijay Hiteshi,  Tariq Sheikh  and others also addressed the meeting.