BJP set to create history in J&K like Lok Sabha: Swaraj

Sanjeev Pargal

External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj addressing a massive public rally at Mahanpur, Basohli on Friday. -Excelsior/Madan
External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj addressing a massive public rally at Mahanpur, Basohli on Friday. -Excelsior/Madan

JAMMU, Dec 12: External Affairs Minister and BJP leader Sushma Swaraj today declared that the BJP would create a history in Jammu and Kashmir by getting absolute majority just as it had achieved landmark figure in Lok Sabha elections followed by Maharashtra and Haryana Assembly polls and said return of peace in the State would lead to vast opportunities in tourism, industrial and employment sectors.
Addressing two massive public meetings in Basohli (Mahanpur) and Bani Assembly segments in Kathua district this afternoon, Swaraj announced that the BJP Government will give 33 per cent reservation to women in both Houses of Legislature in Jammu and Kashmir if the party was voted to power. She also announced six per cent reservation to ex-servicemen in police recruitment.
Asserting that ongoing Assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir were not “ordinary polls”, Swaraj declared that the elections will change destiny of the State with BJP at the helm of affairs.
“This is not an ordinary election. We are fighting (the election) this time for making BJP Government in the State with absolute majority. You have seen the Governments of all major political parties in the fray. Don’t miss the chance to make the BJP Government this time and fulfill BJP’s Mission 44+. We will meet your aspirations, come up to your expectations and make Jammu and Kashmir a model State with development everywhere, employment opportunities for youth, empowerment of women, bringing industrial sector and tapping tourism potential all round including Bani and Basohli,” she declared amidst cheers and applause from the crowd including a large number of women and youth.
Referring to BJP’s Mission 44+, Sushma Swaraj said: “there had been doubts in the political circles and in the minds of people that the BJP would only emerge as single largest party in Lok Sabha elections and will need help of allies to form the Government. But the BJP not only got majority on its own becoming the first party in 30 years to cross the magic mark of 272 but crossed the figure with 282 seats. This was followed by majority in Haryana and highest number of seats in Maharashtra Assembly elections.
“Similarly, we are going to create history in Jammu and Kashmir by achieving the majority figure and achieve our mission of 44+,” she declared and called upon the people to help the BJP fulfill its Mission 44+, which will make Jammu and Kashmir a State full of development and job opportunities,” the External Affairs Minister said, adding that the previous Governments have done nothing for the State except for creating a mess on development front.
In a series of announcements for women, Swaraj declared that the BJP will give 33 per cent reservation to women in Jammu and Kashmir Assembly and Council, open Anganwari in every village and establish women hostel in each district. She said the BJP would launch several schemes for empowerment of women on the name of late party patriarch Pandit Prem Nath Dogra.
She said that all youths registered with employment exchanges in last five years will get jobs as the employment opportunities will open up with arrival of industry. The BJP Government will also conduct special recruitment drives, she added.
The BJP leader announced that children of the girls of Jammu and Kashmir, who were married outside the State, will get full rights here. “We are committed to this demand of the women and we will make it happen in our Government”.
Linking development of tourism, establishment of industry and creation of employment opportunities in the State with return of peace, the Union Minister declared that the BJP was committed to development of tourism and bring back the industries in Jammu and Kashmir including Basohli and Bani so that local people of these hilly and remote segments of Kathua district are benefitted and youth get employment.
“There are a number of tourist places in the State, which have been left untapped including in Bani and Basohli. We will develop all tourist places in the State so that it becomes hub of tourism giving boost to economy of the State and generate job opportunities,” Swaraj said.
“The huge turnout in first three phase of elections and massive attendance in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s rally in Srinagar were clear indications that the people have rejected the separatists’ voice in Kashmir and were yearning for peace and support to BJP,” she said, adding that the BJP stands for development of Jammu and Kashmir and was fighting the elections on this plank.
Pointing out that this is the first elections where inflation was not an election issue, the External Affairs Minister said it was due to the efforts of during just over six months of the BJP Government that inflation has been effectively checked and, therefore, the BJP’s political opponents were unable to make it an issue.
“We have effectively checked the inflation. In Congress led Government, petrol and diesel prices used to go up ever month but in our Government, the prices are going down every month. This is one among several achievements of the Centre Government in just a little over six months,” Swaraj said.
Seeking clear verdict for the BJP, the Union Minister, without naming NC, PDP and Congress, said the people of Jammu and Kashmir have tested all major political parties during past 30 years and said they all have failed the people.
“Now the time has come for you to test the BJP. Give us majority Government and we will show the results. We will take Jammu and Kashmir to new heights of development-where there will be massive growth of industry and tourism even in the remote areas and youth will get employment opportunities, leading to economic boom in the State,” Swaraj said in half an hour speech each at both Mahanpur and Bani.
Endorsing the BJP stand on refugees, the External Affairs Minister declared that the BJP would settle all claims of the refugees, who had been putting up in Jammu and Kashmir since 1947.
“There are many issues of the refugees-their resettlement, rehabilitation, compensation etc. We are committed to addressing all these issues. We will solve their problems. This is our commitment to all the refugees since 1947,” she said, adding that all those who have migrated to the State since 1947 will get `refugee status”.
In another significant announcement, Swaraj declared that ex-servicemen will be given 6 per cent reservation in police services. “This will help the ex-servicemen a lot,” she said.