BJP-Shiv Sena patch up

The coming together of the BJP and the Shiv Sena in Maharashtra after a messy break- up before the Assembly elections less than two months ago is a healthy development for the State.
Uncertainty loomed the Fadnavis Government after the two parties could not patch up for Government formation, and Fadnavis passed the floor test with a voice vote, which drew sharp criticism from the political parties.
The patch-up is a good omen for the Government and the people of Maharashtra. The Fadnavis Government can now set the agenda for good governance for which it sought mandate. The new dispensation should fulfill all the promises made with the people of the State. In case it fails to goven the State even with such a brute majority, it may meet the same fate as was met by the Congress-NCP alliance.
It is time for Chief Minister Fadnavis to take some lessons from the mistakes committed by the previous Government.
Yours etc…
Vikram Verma