BJP should introspect before casting aspersions on others: Harsh

NPP leaders at a press conference at Jammu on Monday. —Excelsior/Rakesh
NPP leaders at a press conference at Jammu on Monday. —Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Mar 29:   Amused over all the ‘Jangle and rattle’ created by the BJP over the Foundation Day of NPP being attended by leaders of NC and Congress, Harsh Dev Singh, chairman-JKNPP and former Minister advised the Saffron brigade to do some soul searching and self introspection before casting aspersions on others. “Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones at others. It’s a case of Kettle calling the pot black”, observed Singh.
While the NPP brought different political parties on one stage to pay homage to national heroes including Bhagat Singh, Raj Guru and Sukhdev on Martyrs’ Day, the BJP was left unnerved and alarmed. What has irked it most is the coming together of opposition parties on common platform. And as the BJP has nothing else to counter the rising graph of Panthers Party, its roly -poly motor its leaders have started making absurd statements out of sheer frustration. The BJP’s desperation however has unmistakeably proved one thing very cogently that NPP has emerged as a force to reckon with”, asserted Singh while addressing a press conference in Jammu today.
Calling upon the BJP leaders to give a peep into their own conscience, Singh said that they would never be able to cover up their stinking past and other shady political misdoings that had caused immense disappointment amongst their own rank and fife and which deserved not mere condemnation but mourning as well. Having lured the gullible masses by their seductive slogans of demolishing the PDP during 2014 elections, the BJP shamelessly surrendered before Kashmir centric and the so called “anti-national party” for seeking the role of junior partner in the Government. And after the death of Mufti Sayeed, the BJP literally begged before Mehbooba Mufti to take over the reins of power so that its leaders could also enjoy the fruits of power. And once Mehbooba assumed the office of CM, the BJP legislators and Ministers acted as her domestic servants making one compromises after the other to keep her in good humour deliriously oblivious of the sentiment of Jammu region which voted it to power.
Not only were the issues of Jammu Jettisoned for crumbs of power, but the BJP leaders abandoned all their avowed fundamentals in their over zealousness to please Mehbooba and to promote her political agenda at the cost of their own political philosophy. Around 11,000 stone-pelters, who were earlier dubbed as anti-nationals by BJP, were not only released during Saffron rule but policies for their rehabilitation were announced with great fan fare.