BJP Study Group to submit report in 3 months

Former BJP president, Rajnath Singh addressing a press conference in Srinagar on Saturday.	-Excelsior/Amin War
Former BJP president, Rajnath Singh addressing a press conference in Srinagar on Saturday. -Excelsior/Amin War

Fayaz Bukhari
Srinagar, June 2: The senior leader of Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP), Rajnath Singh, today said that there are complaints of rampant corruption in the State and people want to get rid of it.
While addressing a press conference in Srinagar after two day visit of the BJP’s Study Group on Jammu and Kashmir, Singh said that they met over 80 delegations during their 5 visits to the State during past one year.
He said that they met around 2 dozen delegation during their two day Kashmir visit and also met Chief Minister Omar Abdullah, Governor N N Vohra and former Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed.
He further said, “The delegations we met so far have talked about rampant corruption in Jammu and Kashmir.” He said that people of the State are fed up with it.
Singh said that the BJP Study Group will submit a report to the party suggesting solutions to Jammu and Kashmir in three months.
“The Interlocutors have come and they have submitted their report but it has not resolved the issue of Jammu and Kashmir”, said Singh, adding that BJP report will be comprehensive and it would be solution oriented and not bookish.
The senior BJP leader said that Interlocutors on Jammu and Kashmir have submitted their report and “I want to ask the Government of India to present their structured view point on the report.”
He said that there are allegations of discrimination from the people of all the three regions of the State, Jammu, Ladakh and Kashmir, adding even groups like Paharis are feeling discriminated.
When asked about the trifurcation of the State as a solution, Singh evaded a direct reply saying: “If I divulge everything here, what are we going to say in the report?”
BJP former president while reiterating his party stand that Jammu and Kashmir is integral part of India said BJP wants solution to issues of Jammu and Kashmir within the ambit of justice and humanity. “The solution to outstanding issues of Jammu and Kashmir can be found if the Government works with honesty towards it”, he added.
Singh said the dialogue between the Centre and Pakistan is mainly focused on terror. “I think talks with Pakistan are held on the issue of terrorism. I do not know whether Kashmir is also there,” he said.
On the duration of Amarnath yatra, Singh said he has raised the issue with Governor NN Vohra and Chief Minister Omar Abdullah. He said that BJP’s State unit has also taken up the matter with the Government and suggested that its duration should be increased.
The BJP leader said some of the people he met during his visit complained that the youth of the State were not being given chance to play in the Indian Premier League. “We will ask the BCCI and IPL teams to select the deserving players from the State as well,” he added.
The former BJP president said that his party is in no hurry to name its Prime Ministerial candidate for 2014 Lok Sabha elections. “We still have two years to go for the next general elections. What is the hurry?” Singh said, adding party will take a decision on the issue in due course of time.
On the shooting of an MLA in Delhi, Singh said the national capital needs to be made safer for people.
Asked about BJP’s support to Anna Hazare’s campaign against corruption, Singh said the party was in favour of a strong Lokpal to deal with the menace.
Responding to reports that BJP president Nitin Gadkari’s relatives had benefited from the Coalgate, Singh said, “the Chhattisgarh Government has issued a statement that the coal blocks were issued in open bidding and not to Gadkari.”