BJP takes out Mashal rally against power cuts

Excelsior Correspondent
UDHAMPUR, Sept 17: To register their protest against the increasing power cuts and failure of the PDD to come up to the expectations of the consumers in the State in general and Udhampur district in particular, the BJP held a Mashal rally in the town this evening.
The rally was led by BJP State secretary, Pawan Khajuria and it was attended by a large number of party activists and local people protesting against the dismal performance of PDD in the district.
The rally passed through all markets of the Udhampur town and among others it was also addressed by Sanjay Sharma, district vice president of the party.
Addressing the rally Pawan Khajuria accused the PDD of not attending the problems of the consumers in Udhampur district which gives highest revenue in the State. He said the people are facing more than eight hour power cuts and the transformers after breaking down are not repaired for months together. There is no positive response from authorities and they remain non cooperative with consumers whenever they approach them for the solution to the problem.
He said there is no response to solve the issues like excess billing or changing of worn out transmission lines etc. The BJP leader warned to intensify agitation in case the problems were not solved.