BJP to launch mass contact progs to highlight achievements of Govt

BJP State general secretary Dr Narinder Singh and party spokesperson Balbir Ram Rattan at a press conference at Jammu on Tuesday. —Excelsior/Rakesh
BJP State general secretary Dr Narinder Singh and party spokesperson Balbir Ram Rattan at a press conference at Jammu on Tuesday. —Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Dec 15: Announcing a series of programmes to be undertaken by the Party in coming days under Mass Contact programme, BJP State general secretary, Dr Narinder Singh today said that the Party has decided to reach the masses across the State to highlight the achievements of PDP-BJP coalition Government during the last nine months.
The Mass contact programme will start by ending this month and it will continue up to January next year also, Dr Narinder Singh told reporters here today along with Party spokesperson Balbir Ram Rattan..
BJP during its poll campaign has promised good governance, development and corruption free administration and the people have posed their faith in the Party and voted for it enmass and party is duty bound to come upto their expectations, he added.
He said after framing coalition government with PDP, the BJP ministers and legislators are working towards the fulfillment of election promises.
There is total transparency in the functioning of the present coalition and no charge of any corruption is there against any minister or legislator, said Dr Singh, adding this clearly reflects that the present coalition is working in right direction to create corruption free atmosphere in the Government.
Dr Narinder Singh announced that under the party’s scheduled programme, public rallies will be organized at district and constituency level, which will be addressed by ministers, MLAs and MLCs and senior functionaries of Party to apprise the people about the various programmes launched by the coalition for the development of the State and welfare of the people.
He said a team of BJP leaders has been constituted for holding of public rallies in this regard who included Munish Sharma, Pawan Khajuria, Ghulam Ali Khatana, Bansi Lal Bharti, Purnima Sharma, Karan Singh and Dr Suresh Ajay Mangotra.