BJP trying to gag voice of social organisations: Charak

DSS president GS Charak being detained by Police before press conference in Jammu on Tuesday. -Excelsior/Rakesh
DSS president GS Charak being detained by Police before press conference in Jammu on Tuesday. -Excelsior/Rakesh

DSS chief arrested before press conference

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Aug 27: Dogra Sadar Sabha president and former minister, Thakur Gulchain Singh Charak was today detained by police before his scheduled press conference at Dogra Hall in the winter capital city here today.
His son, Gambhir Dev Singh Charak told the media persons that as his father arrived the DSS Bhawan for convening a press conference and was sitting with other office bearers, and waiting for the media-persons to come, some Policemen came to the office and took him along to the Police Station without assigning any valid reason. The media-persons later arrived at the venue for the press conference but found that Charak has already been arrested by police without any valid reason.

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Later, talking to Excelsior Charak condemned the attitude of BJP Govt and said that even the voice of the NGOs and other social organisations is being gagged. He said that such acts are against the spirit of democracy and anti-Jammu.
DSS president who is also convener of All Jammu Civil Society Forum said that soon after his release from house arrest he had summoned the core groups of Dogra Sadar Sabha and AJCSF to deliberate upon the restructuring of the J&K State into the Union Territory (UT). Although some members felt that the Jammu region deserved a separate statehood but they reconciled with the Government decision till situation normalizes in the few disturbed parts of the Kashmir valley.
He told that the DSS is on the same page with the Government of India and want to convey to the Reorganizing Committee framed by the Government for Jammu and Kashmir after the abrogation of Art 370 and 35-A that they have been assigned the most responsible task of designing the fate of the posterity for generations to come.