Blacklist non-performing contractors: Advisor

* Directs completion of Rambagh flyover by May

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Mar 9: Advisor to Governor Kewal Kumar Sharma today directed Economic Reconstruction Agency (ERA) to complete Jehangir-Chowk Rambagh flyover project by May this year.
The Advisor said this while reviewing the progress of development projects taken up by ERA in Srinagar city under the Urban Sector Development Investment Program (USDIP), financed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) through a multi tranche financing facility.
Dr. Raghav Langer, Chief Executive Officer, JKERA informed the meeting about various works being undertaken under JKUSDIP.
It was informed that of 53 sub-projects works under JKSUDIP work on remaining 10 sub- projects is under execution at present. The CEO ERA also informed that 99% physical progress has been achieved on the construction of Rawalpora-Chanapora storm water drainage sub-project with work on laying of drainage network and construction of two main pumping stations already completed.
He added that 76% physical progress has been achieved on the construction of Storm Water drainage sub-project along the National Highway Byepass at Athwajan and 87% progress has been achieved on the laying of 18Kms raw water pipeline from upper reaches of Doodhganga at Nauhara to Kralpora and balance portion of these works had to be re-tendered due to the non-performance of the contractors and these works will be completed by May 2019.
Giving details about the progress of work on the construction of Jehangir-Chowk -Rambagh flyover, CEO ERA informed that 84% physical progress has been achieved on the project as a whole and said that as per the revised pert chart submitted for the pending works of the flyover contractor has committed to complete the balance work on the sub-project by May 2019.
Advisor directed JKERA to ensure that the non-performing contractors be got blacklisted and appreciated the fact that JKERA under loan I and Loan 2 has been able to create state of art key public assets with the financial assistance of Asian Development Bank.
The Advisor directed ERA to expedite the process of the Jehangir-Chowk Rambagh flyover so that it would be completed by May this year. He also directed that work on other flyovers and public important projects must be completed on time.
The Advisor told the officers that no soft approach should be adopted against the concerned agencies who are executing the work and they must complete the work on time.
He also told the officers that general public should not face any inconvience due to the construction work being executing by them.
The meeting was also attended by Dr Shahid Iqbal Choudhary, Deputy Commissioner Srinagar, Tahir Geelani S.S.P Traffic Srinagar, Ashok Kumar Chief Engineer I&FC Kashmir, Adbul Wahid Chief Engineer PHE Kashmir, Sami Arif Chief Engineer R&B Kashmir, Hashmat Qazi Chief Engineer EM&RE Kashmir, Showkat Wani Director J&KERA, Nazir Ahmad Baba Additional Commissioner Srinagar Municipal Corporation and other senior officers of line departments.