Bleaching powder tragedy at Sindh Nallah

A calamity of significant magnitude transpired when nearly 200 piscine creatures met their demise within the Ganderbal district due to the inadvertent discharge of pernicious bleaching powder into the pristine waters of Nallah Sindh. This grievous incident has cast a sombre shadow on the efficacy of the supervisory bodies responsible. The deleterious consequences of the illicit application of bleaching powder persist unabated, a substance not procurable in the public domain but solely possessed by the Jal Shakti Department only for the explicit purpose of potable water treatment. Over numerous years, a recurring tragedy unfolds as the piscine inhabitants suffer a dire fate at the hands of this insidious agent, with the Jal Shakti department of the region being ceaselessly implored to investigate this illicit usage of bleaching powder. Regrettably, there has been a conspicuous paucity of substantial headway in this perennially vexing matter.
The fish, year after year, succumb to the malevolent influence of bleaching powder while the pertinent authorities observe like mute spectators. This conundrum is further compounded by the inescapable reality that the field operatives of the Fisheries Department find themselves ill-equipped to contend with these illicit piscine poachers. The pernicious deployment of bleaching powder engenders a pernicious deoxygenation within the aquatic environs, leading to the lamentable demise of fish, which are subsequently seized by malefactors and peddled in the market at exorbitant prices. In the course of this nefarious process, smaller fish also fall victim, and the use of bleaching powder exacts a devastating toll on the entire piscine population inhabiting the regions where this pernicious substance is employed. For several years running, the illicit use of bleaching powder has become distressingly prevalent among unscrupulous fish smugglers across this region. The present case also remains unresolved, as the employees of the powerhouse for unauthorised water spillage and of the Jal Shakti department for bleaching powder are under suspicion. Since this is happening year after year, the matter requires a proper investigation to apprehend the culprits.