Bless in the sky

Mehak Gupta Grover
A daughter ia a miracle that never ceases to be miraculous!
Daughters are a great blessing by God. Still they are considered as a burden? India is a land of traditions, conceptions, misconceptions and lot more. Still the age old misconception prevails- Girl child is a liability!
Children are no doubt a great gift from God to all parents. They must think of their children as such treasures that all the wealth and material resources also seem worthless as when compared to one’s children. It becomes really disheartening to see that some parents rejoice when the newborn child is a male and show their dissatisfaction when the child is a female. Daughters are often seen as a burden and something to be gotten rid of. Many parents even tend to deprive their daughters of their love, attention and tenderness. Such disheartening attitude has taken our society back to the era of discrimination against females.
But why such illiterate attitude?
There are many people who say-
“Betiyaan ghar ki lakshmi hoti hai. Betiyon se ghar banta hai.”
At the same time, there are some people who see daughters as a curse than a boon. India has become so advanced. It is on the verge of becoming a developed nation. We have moved into a new era- a better society- still the basic mentality is the same. Daughters are still looked down upon in the society. Even today, after marriage,  girls loses her maiden name and even sometimes the inlaws changes her first name as well. It is all because of this that the male child who will carry on his father’s name, is looked upon as the torch – bearer, the person who will ‘save’ the family and girls are called as ‘ Betiyaan parayi hoti hain’.
In such society, how can the girl’s status improve?  There is no hope for that family or country where there is no respect of women, where they live in sadness. There is no chance for the welfare of the world unless the condition  of women is improved. It is not possible for a bird to fly on only one wing.
Why there is no improvement regarding this issue? In this advanced world, we have answers to everything, then why not this? Just because it has to do something with the gender or it is really a Man’s world? Do we realise how incorrect we are in breeding this fallacy in our brains? Why so much of prejudice still prevails?  A poet has very well stated-
” when a boy is born, then he brings one noor ( light) ; and when a daughter is born , she brings two noors”
If parents are kind and generous towards their daughters, then they will be so close to God and would surely have a place in heaven.
A daughter is a wonderful blessing- a treasure from God. She brings a special joy that comes from deep inside. No words can describe the warm memories, pride, gratitude that comes from having a daughter. We should not think we are men or women, but we are Human beings; born to cherish and to help one another. It is these blessed daughters that are the means for the existence of humanity.
“A daughter is one of the most beautiful gifts the world has to give”.
There are so many daughters who have made up such beautiful marks in the society- Mother Teresa, Ms Sarogini Naidu, Ms Kalpna Chawla, Kiran Bedi, PT Usha, Sunita Williams, Sania Mirza and the names are endless. These daughters grow and prove to be wonderful sisters, wonderful partners; they do the real stupendous job without wish for any reward. Our daughters as a Mother is the most beloved and affectionate.
” A son is your son till he gets married, but a daughter is your daughter till she survives”.
I have a beautiful, caring daughter. With her innocence, care and selfless love, she has become the heart of our family. After she waz born, my whole outlook for the life changed. My daughter means the world to me and I would go to the end of the earth for her. I would do anything to protect her, love her, care for her.
A home is no home which does not have a daughter.
Long live our daughters!!
Love her- adore her- teach her- respect her!! They are our pearls!!