Blind faith in India

“Perchance to…..fabled India” by M J Akbar(DE,Oct 20,2013) is an interesting article showing the height of blind faith not only in Indian masses ,but  in our  politicians of high repute, including Ministry of  Culture , Archaeological Survey of  India, Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav(Even our PMO and M HA owe equal responsibility for being mute spectators)for starting  or allowing to  start excavation work at Daundia Khera, merely on prediction, based on the dream of one Swami  Shobhan Sarkar.
The ironic and lucid style of the author is remarkably praiseworthy. He has been very logical and scientific to analyze that such huge quantity of gold was buried (if at all) so secretly that even after 150 years nobody came to know about it, except this God man (Swami,SS)
It is no surprise if millions still follow Nirmal Baba,Asa Ram Bapu or many other  so called God men. We Indians can be hypnotized deceived and cheated upto Himalayan loftiness.
There are quintals of gold lying in countless temples of India (a few were brought to light in recent past by media) If the Government is really interested in Gold, it should confiscate all the hidden gold from temples and spend it on developmental works of the country. It is high time that we all (including our Government) awake from blind faith culture and  start thinking scientifically for real development of the country.
Yours etc…..
Dr Suresh Chander Gupta,
493, Rajpura Mangotrian