Blue whale game blues

I really appreciate the fact that Centre is taking steps to remove links to the blue whale challenge game. My apprehension is” just a mere clampdown can solve this problem?”
I strongly believe all those kids and youngsters falling prey to this evil game are those who are having some sort of attention deficit disorder. These days pressures let it be peer, parental, inferiority etc are really taking it’s toll. Social media projections are really playing on the indelible minds of teens. Selfie  deaths are another example of this.
Blue whale as I have understood is something which kids start playing on curiosity basis and later continue this under blackmailing.  One arrest was made in Russia where culprit didn’t commit suicide after finishing all fifty challenges instead became an administrator.There must be a group of persons playing this and also keeping watch on each other. Here one who enters can’t quit because may be some very personal information is shared which could lead to blackmailing.   Russian Inventor of game himself is behind the bars and is declared psychopath. so we can imagine how psyche of poor kid is been tormented and abused.
I would like to link another issue towards which Government  media is not paying much attention. ” braid cutting incidents taking place in rural Northern india.”
Readers there is a panic situation in rural Northern India victims are claiming that some one cuts their braid while they were sleeping. It’s been linked with black magic. Situation in villages is hysterical.
While interacting with people in rural areas,  I realised that most of victims were neglected due to one reasons or other. This braid cutting incident has made them centre of attention. Rest you can understand.
This attention deficit issue also reminded me of a psychological condition called ” bolimia nervosa” here a subject does binge eating under depression and then adopts various means to vomit because of danger of gaining wait. This condition can lead to suicidal tendencies also.Lady Diana was also suffering from this disorder and later experts  claimed she was doing this to draw the attention of her husband.
I made comparisons to draw authorities attention towards the fact that just a clampdown will not help. Such games will keep cropping up. Please make some policy in consultation with psychologists and psychiatrists so that disease is cured not just the symptoms.
Yours etc….
Dr Kapil Sharma.