Bogus Babas

It is an established fact that the Indians are God fearing and they worship God according to their religious faith. It is really encouraging because we have been taught the same by our religious gurus. Even our prophets had their own gurus. But it is really astonishing that the present day gurus are themselves quite ignorant and unaware of the knowledge of Vedas but still the gullible people follow them in greater numbers. This is because these gurus entice them and they get easily attracted.
The basic cause of this blind following by people to these called gurus is illiteracy in general and lack of true religious knowledge in particular.  Had they been real gurus, they would have never indulged in business activities, instead of enlightening the people about the true humanism, so let the people take a leaf from these so called gurus and not get into their trap through their fake knowledge.
Yours etc..
Dwarika Nath Raina
Upper Muthi, Jammu