Bollywood vs. The Middle Earth: Similarities and Differences Between Indian and New Zealand Cinema

Although Bollywood was once viewed as a somewhat comical replication of Hollywood, it has now taken on a life of its own. Interestingly, the same can be said about New Zealand cinema. Both industries are now producing high-quality films that have begun to attract a global audience, and this momentum shows no signs of slowing down. Here is a look at some similarities between these two franchises, along with what sets them apart.

Regional History

Many experts note that the history of these two regions has had an influence on their respective film industries. Both New Zealand and India were subjects of the British Empire at one time. Themes such as colonisation, independence and rebellion feature prominently in many scripts as a result.

English as the Predominant Language

Most mobile casinos in NZ and India employ English as their first language, partly as a result of its wide usage due to the aforementioned colonial history. This is also highly relevant when discussing the film industry. The ability to create films in English has given directors and producers the power to reach a very large audience, and this is no small factor in the success that they have enjoyed over the years. The use of English, as the most spoken language in the world, makes their films accessible to audiences globally..

The Notion of Hybrid Cultural Identities

India and New Zealand are both unique in the sense that they are homes to extremely diverse cultures. From differing religious practices to the diaspora of numerous nationalities, these regions can be considered international “melting pots” to a certain degree. This also has an influence on their films, particularly when it comes to Indians living in New Zealand.

Access to Bollywood films represents a way to connect with their Indian identities and as a means of reinforcing cultural mores that might otherwise become diluted. This is one of the main reasons Bollywood cinema has become extremely popular throughout New Zealand, along with several other Australasian nations.

Are There Any Differences?

However, there are also some disparities to highlight before concluding. One of the most noticeable is cultural trends such as fashion and music. Furthermore, many Indian films tend to portray women in more traditional roles, paving the way for the prototypical male protagonist.

New Zealand cinema is slightly more progressive, providing more opportunities for female lead characters. Nevertheless, this has been changing in recent years, and Indian actresses are expected to depict more powerful and independent personalities as cinema becomes more open to western influences.

Indian and New Zealand cinema now enjoy a truly international fan base. This is not dissimilar to other types of art, with one prominent example being the meteoric rise throughout the world of K-Pop from South Korea over the past few years. Thanks to the scope of the internet, there is little doubt that these films will reach an even wider audience in the near future. This is great news for up-and-coming actors as well as the industries overall.