Border Standoff: China urges India to immediately withdraw its troops


BEIJING/NEW DELHI:  China today urged India to immediately withdraw all troops that have illegally entered China, stating that the nation would defend its territorial sovereignty “at all costs.”

     “The Chinese border troops have taken initial counter measures at the site and will step up targeted deployment and training,” Xinhua news agency quoted Wu Qian, spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defence, as having said at a press conference.

    Xinhua report said that Mr Wu urged India to immediately withdraw it troops, describing the request as a prerequisite to resolving the situation.

     “We strongly urge India to take solid measures to correct its mistakes and desist from provocation,” Mr Wu said, calling for a joint effort to maintain peace in the border areas.

    The spokesperson warned India to abandon any impractical illusions. The history of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) in the past 90 years has demonstrated its increasing capacities and unshakable determination to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity, he said.

    “It’s easier to shake a mountain than the PLA,” Mr Wu was quoted as having said.

    Last week External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj had said in Parliament that troops from both the sides should withdraw to facilitate a solution to the ongoing border standoff with China.

    She had told Rajya Sabha on Thursday that both Indian and Chinese soldiers should withdraw from the Doklam region in the tri-junction with Bhutan.

    The stand-off has continued for more than a month now.

 She said that any unilateral altering of the border by China will amount to a “direct threat” to India’s security concerns.  (AGENCIES)

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