Brave soldiers of Jammu laid down lives for nation

Avtar Bhat
JAMMU, June 5: The newly married wife of young Vijay Kumar would have never imagined that her honeymoon will come to a sudden end within a few months of her marriage as her husband attained martyrdom in a militants attack while performing duty.
This brave Sepoy of 6 Dogra Regiment of Indian Army attained martyrdom along with 18 dedicated soldiers of the regiment including five others from Jammu region at Manipur yesterday after their vehicle was ambushed by militants.
Sepoy Vijay Kumar, 25, S/o Dewan Chand of village Serh in Khour of Sub Division Akhnoor had joined the Dogra Regiment six years back. He was married on February 17 this year to one Jyoti. This was the last visit of this brave soldier to his home where he spent one and a half month during his marriage.
But neither his family members nor his young wife whose henna is yet to dry had ever imagined that a pall of gloom will descend on them so suddenly and this brave son of the soil will lay down his life for a supreme national cause hundreds miles away from his native village to defend the integrity and unity of his motherland.
The family as well as the entire village of Serh is in grief after hearing this shocking news and pall of gloom has descended on the village. The family is yet to receive the body for the last rites and they were only informed about the same on phone yesterday.
Another brave soldier of Jammu and the Sepoy of 6 Dogra Regiment Havaldar Satpal Bhasin of village Muthi also attained the martyrdom as he was also in the same vehicle which was ambushed by militants in Manipur yesterday.
Satpal, S/o Bishan Dass had joined the Army about 18 years back and he is survived by his parents, wife and two children including a daughter and a son. His two kids are so little to know about the tragedy which has befallen the family as their father left them in an early age to pay supreme sacrifice for a greater cause which is beyond their imagination as yet.
Havaldar Sunil Kumar Sharma was another courageous and bold soldier from village Phal in Sunderbani who attained martyrdom in militants attack at Manipur yesterday. Son of an ex-serviceman, Ramesh Chander Sharma, Sumit was desirous to serve in the Army from his childhood after he used to see his father in uniform.
Besides parents, Sunil is survived by his wife Ritu and two sons Amit and Sumit. The family is waiting for his body for darshan and last rites. Soon after hearing the news, MLA Nowshera Ravinder Raina visited Sunil’s residence to console the family and share their grief and sorrow. Raina said he feels proud of these brave soldiers who left an example for the youth that nothing is supreme than motherland. He made and appeal to the Union Government to reimpose AFSPA in North Eastern States. He said the sacrifices of these soldiers will not go waste as the days of terrorists are numbered now.
He said the nation feels proud of these soldiers who laid down their lives for its unity and integrity.
Naib Subedar Ram Singh S/o Babu Ram of village Nandpur Tehsil Ramgarh is yet another brave soldier from the Jammu who laid down his life in Manipur yesterday.
He is survived by his parents, wife and two children -one male and one female. He joined the 6 Dogras in 2005 and was presently posted in Manipur. Babu Ram received call from Manipur from the subordinates of Ram Singh who informed him that his brave son attained a supreme sacrifice.
L/Nk Kuldeep Raj of village Burn in Gharota area of Jammu district and Havaldar Randeep Singh of village Bomal in Akhnoor Tehsil of Jammu district are the other two brave Dogra soldiers who laid down their lives for the nation hundreds of miles away from their native villages. They gave their today for our tomorrow as these brave soldiers sacrificed their lives in the line of duty.
According to Defence sources, the bodies of the martyrs were likely be brought to Jammu tomorrow for their last rites. They will be cremated with full military honours in their native villages.