Brent holds above $114 as demand hopes offset easing Syria worries

SINGAPORE, Sept 3:  Brent futures eased on Tuesday as worries over a military strike on Syria eased, but held above $114 a barrel as investors focused on prospects of a revival in demand growth with factory output across most of the world improving.
Better data from Europe and China and a steady recovery  in the United States pointed to the global economy turning a corner. Investors are now awaiting U.S. Jobs data due on Friday and a clearer indication from the Federal Reserve on the timing of a roll back in its monetary stimulus to gauge the outlook for oil prices.
Brent crude slipped 15 cents to $114.18 a barrel by 0309 GMT. U.S. Oil fell 98 cents to $106.68 from Friday’s settlement. Due to the Labor Day holiday, there was no Monday settlement for the benchmark.
‘Oil may not move out of its current range till the employment numbers are out unless there is a sudden escalation in tensions in Syria,’ said Ken Hasegawa, a commodity sales manager at Newedge Japan. ‘The market is also waiting for details on the Fed’s plan to cut back its stimulus.’
Brent may trade between $112 and $115 a barrel and the  U.S. benchmark in a $104-$109 range till the jobs numbers are out on Friday, he said.
Factory activity in the euro zone rose at its fastest  pace in over two years while China’s manufacturing sector grew in August for the first time in four months, according to business surveys published on Monday. Participants are waiting for the U.S. Institute of Supply Management to publish its bellwether PMI for U.S. Factories later in the day.

President Barack Obama’s efforts to persuade the U.S. Congress to back his plan to attack Syria met with scepticism on Monday from lawmakers in his own Democratic Party who expressed concern the United States would be dragged into a new Middle East conflict.

While Obama faced obstacles at home, key U.S. Ally France said it had evidence showing that President Bashar al-Assad’s government had ordered chemical attacks.
The French government released a nine-page intelligence document that listed five points that suggested Assad’s fighters were behind the ‘massive and coordinated’ Aug. 21 attack.
Yet, the lack of a broad-based support in the West may  mean any attack against Assad’s government could be short and limited, and was unlikely to drag Syria’s neighbours, who are major oil exporters, into the conflict.
‘Even if Obama decides on some action against Syria, it  is likely to be limited,’ Hasegawa of Newedge Japan said. ‘That means the upside potential for oil from a military strike is very limited. We may see prices spurt, but they will come back lower.’
Brent is expected to end its rebound in a resistance zone of $114.77-$115.38, and then drop towards a support of $112.48, while U.S. Oil is expected to retest a support of $104.23, according to Reuters technical analyst Wang Tao. (AGENCIES)