Brick kilns

Brick kilns have mushroomed in Kashmir as well as Jammu province beyond expectation. The reason is that there has been tremendous construction activity during last two or three decades. Bricks are most important component of a structure. Unfortunately, many brick kilns have come up so close to human habitations that these have caused huge air pollution. The smoke emitted from the brick kilns is most injurious to human beings, animals and plants. Though there are laws regulating permission for setting up the brick kilns yet more often than not the laws are violated knowingly.
There seems to be much political interference in the matter of brick kilns ordered to be shut down. The fact of the matter is that illegal brick kilns are built under the very nose of the authorities. Earlier the licenses of the brick kilns were being renewed on the basis of No-Objection Certificates (NOCs) from Jammu and Kashmir Pollution Control Board, Commercial Taxes Department, Geology and Mining Department and Power Development Department. However, keeping in view adverse impact of activities of brick kilns on the environment the National Green Tribunal made proper Mining Plan mandatory with the direction that licenses of brick kilns shall be renewed only after grant of environmental clearance to all the activities associated with quarrying and excavation of minor minerals. The Union Ministry of Environment and Forests mandated the setting up of District Expert Appraisal Committee (DEAC) and District Environment Impact Assessment Authority (DEIAA) for the purpose of processing and granting environmental clearance to all activities associated with quarrying and excavation of minor minerals. Notices were issued in the month of December last year whereby all the brick kiln license holders were directed to apply before District Expert Appraisal Committees failing which action as under rules shall be initiated. District Magistrates explicitly told the owners of the brick kilns to show cause as to why their brick kiln licenses be not revoked for non-compliance of conditions. But by using political clout, the orders of the District Magistrates were not implemented and thus many brick kilns are functioning clandestinely and to the detriment of public health. This is a serious matter and the Government should intervene immediately before much damage is done to the health of the people.