Brij Mohan makes yet another mark

Name of Book : Manai De Aale
(Collection of Dogri poetry}
Author : Brig Mohan
Publisher : Highbrow Publications, Jammu
Year : 2024
Price : Rs. 300

Brij Mohan, a noted music composer turned poet, has penned a Dogri book entitled ” Manai De Aale” which is his unique collection of choicest poetic literary creative writings with musical qualities. There is marked distinction of his experiences and experimentation with new ideas.
In this well-designed book, there is richness of Dogri poetry which hold irresistible attraction and appeals for sweetness of our language and tone. Poems are at once appealing; full of emotions and magic of sweet words set in poetic tone. English version of one stanza by Suman Sharma follows:
“In the hamlet of your eyes
Under the shade of your eye-lashes
It’s there, forever,that my heart resides
In the hamlet ! ”
Worth mentioning that he has dedicated this book to his parents: late Laxman Dass ( Tabla expert) and late Banti Devi. He has inherited music field from his father. Brij Mohan has done commendable music composition of theme songs of Dogri Sanstha and University of Jammu, a rare feat for a man, who leads a simple but purposeful life. This book is welcome addition to Dogri language and its literature but he has “still miles to go” in making many more solid contributions.