BSF gets 60 Police Medals on Republic Day

NEW DELHI, Jan 25:

In recognition of the courage and bravery displayed during various duties and distinguished, meritorious services rendered by Border Security Force (BSF), it has been awarded with 60 Medals which include eight President’s Police Medal for Gallantry (PMG) including three Posthumously, five Police Medal for Distinguished Services and 47 Police Medal for Meritorious Services to the BSF personnel on the occasion of Republic Day- 2019.
Head Constable A Suresh, Constable Md Ramzan Parry and Nitin Kumar have been awarded PMG posthumously. On January 1, 2018 around 2105 hrs, HC A Suresh was deployed as the Naka Commander at forward duty point BOP Baquarpur in Jammu region. Suddenly, Pakistani troops, across the border, started firing with flat trajectory weapons towards the duty point.
Displaying immense courage and valour, the party under HC A Suresh effectively retaliated the Pak firing and put a stiff resistance. During exchange of fire, HC A Suresh sustained grievous injury and succumbed to his injuries. In recognition of exemplary courage and immense battle prudence, HC A Suresh has been awarded with Police Medal for Gallantry posthumously.
Constable Mohamad Ramzan Parray was a resident of village Hajin of Bandipur district in Jammu and Kashmir, a highly militancy infested area of North Kashmir. While availing a short leave, on September 27, 2017 around 2100 hrs, he was intercepted by a group of heavily armed militants at his home in the village but showing indomitable courage, Constable Parray countered the militants alone and foiled their plan to abduct him.
Soon after, another two militants from the same group barged into his house with an intention to abduct him. But Constable Parray and his family members put a valiant fight and almost succeeded to overpower one of the militant, however another militant shot him from a close range and injured him severely, later he succumbed to his injuries. In recognition of his indomitable courage and bravery Const Mohammad Ramzan Parray has been awarded with Police Medal for Gallantry posthumously.
In intervening night of October 2 &3, 2016, Constable Nitin Kumar and Constable Barun Kumar of 40 Battalion of BSF were deployed for night duty of CI Post Stadium Colony, Baramulla. While on duty around 2200 hrs, they heard unusual barking of stray dogs in the near vicinity. After assessing the situation, Constable Barun Kumar directed Constable Nitin Kumar to check the suspicious movement while he covered Constable Nitin Kumar.
Constable Nitin tactically traced a human movement and raised alarm. He was fired upon by militants, which was retaliated by Const Barun Kumar, Const Nitin Kumar and Const Pravindra Kumar from adjacent morcha. Militant also lobbed a grenade, as a result Constable Nitin Kumar received multiple injuries but by displaying the highest sense of combat audacity and courage in adverse situation, he returned to the bunker and started retaliatory fire.
Constable Barun Kumar also fired from his weapon. Despite injuries, Constable Nitin Kumar, Constable Pravindra Kumar and Constable Barun Kumar effectively retaliated which forced the militants to flee from the spot. The gallant action of these Constables apparently foiled a suicidal strike of heavily armed militants.
In recognition of their gallant action, bravery and courage, Late Constable Nitin Kumar (Posthumously), Constable Pravindra Kumar and Constable Barun Kumar have been awarded with Police Medal for Gallantry. (UNI)