Budget Session

Several weeks back, the Government had announced it would pre-pone the current budget session and instead of March, the House would be meeting in January. The Governor has summoned the House for session on 18 Jan 2016. The practice is that the Session begins with Governor’s address to the joint session of the State Legislature in which he gives the outline of Government’s policy and plans. Governor’s address is followed by a debate on the address and members express their views on what has been presented. The Chief Minister will wind up the debate with his reply to the issues, observations and comments made by the participants in the debate.
Assembly Secretariat has issued a bulletin calling upon the members to submit 20 questions, five private member’s bills and four Resolutions each for the budget session, which may last till first week of March. Out of 89 MLAs, only 62 members can submit the questions because the rest of them are in the Council of Ministers and part of the Government. What is important in the Legislature is the number of sittings during which business is contracted.
We are hopeful that all members of the legislature, including those who are in the Government, will make this session highly productive and useful. They need to remember that there are many serious issues of public interest that have to be decided by the Legislature and onus of their implementation is to be brought to the Government. Unfortunately, a wrong trend has emerged in the country of disrupting the sittings, creating scenes in the sessions and even manhandling members. This is a very unhealthy trend and has to be eschewed without the need to dole out pieces of advice. We appeal to all stakeholders to keep the interests of the masses of people foremost in their performance in the sittings of the Legislature.