Bugle sounds for 2019

Shiban Khaibri
Does it not look strange that a Government with two thirds majority is simply not allowed to transact business in both the houses of the Parliament whilst those who do it under a planned strategy are simultaneously crying that democracy was in grave danger, opposition was discriminated against, constitution was getting subverted and that the Government had “imposed an undeclared Emergency”?  To be precise, who has declared Emergency against whom and who was violating the constitution? Is the mandate of the people being sincerely respected by a few combined Parties in the opposition or their choice is sought to be overruled at will? Do not repeated disruptions, sloganeering and even making howling sounds in these august houses point towards something more than what ostensibly they are sought to be orchestrated for?  Are these Honb’le  leaders who have made all this, now a daily routine, not knowing that they have already since crossed the line and the limits of what can safely be called as political one-upmanship if not political hegemony. Opposition is as important as the government to run the affairs of the country smoothly in a matured democracy and, as a natural corollary, must discharge its functions very responsibly but while we boast of and chant Democracy and Democratic concepts, most of us treat it as a means of unbridled liberty even to subvert it from within. The experience of the Monsoon session and now the winter session buttresses this view. A word of caution, however, nay, a word of alarm must resonate around that it is not without risks of the perils of causing a chain to set in, which could trigger disaster for the country. Disaster of all hue – political, constitutional, economic, that concerning social equilibrium and last but not the least, the security of the country. It should not be that important as to which Party is in power as it is, as to how the country could be made strong. Can it be firmly asked as to what are we doing to take care of 62% of the youth of our country who want employment, who want work for a living? This most important issue   must be addressed by all, including the opposition. Alluring them into taking protest marches and Dharnas by one Political party against the other and knowingly blowing minor issues and trifles into national and international proportions was not going to provide them work and living. By mere theatrics of crying “Mehangai” and  “Farmers are dying” or “Bukhmari”  and  “Constitution violated” and under this pretext or that pretext, newer and newer each day, resort to disruption and logjam of Parliament, no purpose towards resolving these issues was served.
A party which has to its credit of claiming to have spearheaded a long drawn struggle for achieving independence and many political, social and academic stalwarts having been associated with it, must see that the universal axiom of depreciation must not set in, at least, with heavy percentage in the Party that from 45 it could swing between around less than 100 and the present number.   Yes, the Congress Party must realize its responsibility this time as an opposition and never, not in the least, play as an antidote or a spoiler of the achievements of whatever magnitude this country has made since they demitted office.  Why cannot this Party appear to believe that we all are committed in principle, as also   in letter and spirit, to respect our constitution which provides to us the mechanism of choosing government of our choice through the ballot under well devised transparent vibrant election system and how come can this Party appear not to allow the present dispensation function which has come to rule through this very constitutional mechanism. To make it clear, one of the most important duties of a government is to get important legislative business transacted and therefore bills of utmost importance must get through in both the houses of our Parliament. One of the incentives for FDI is a vibrant tax regime and GST  bill getting held up and not passed is indirectly  stalling economic progress of the country and  those who are responsible for its non passage want to do so only to make a  ground against the Government for blaming it for  “Failing on Economic front” to use it for garnering votes in 2019. The ground is set for that right from now. This is not fair play but brazenly opportunism. The merits and the advantages of this bill is fairly known to the Congress Party and its allies like TMC etc as also to all states who were to substantially gain  but it is not allowed to be passed. The fate of other bills too hangs in balance like Real Estate Bill and those concerning Juveniles, Whistle blowers, salaries of Judges of High courts and the Supreme court, Bonus , Industries regulation and development, etc. On the one side, Congress has opened all fronts against this Government with intent to embarrass and corner it as much as possible while on the other, it is building such a constitutional cum political “Chakra Viuh” against it so as to ensure all important legislation from now onwards, to get stalled which otherwise could make Modi more taller in terms of enviable performance and BJP led NDA more popular among the masses. The eyes are gazed on 2019 elections and that is how the bugle appears to have been sounded for that by the Congress Party.
Less said the better about the fate of the Land Acquisition Bill and its ramifications even in the short term excepting that a definite damage to the ruling dispensation in its popularity among the rural masses has already taken place looking to the Bihar elections and some other by- polls largely because of disinformation about it. Congress led opposition like the TMC, the Left, the NCP, JD(U) ,RJD and  Aa Aa Party  have noted the success of this experiment and its continuance with more zeal is only expected. The charge, unsubstantiated, that the government had imposed an undeclared Emergency was in fact an attempt, whether deliberate or otherwise,  by these parties to create a political and constitutional crisis and that was perilous for our Democracy and development. Does it not look like, for instance, that perhaps the Congress had resolved to have its advantage of numbers in the Rajya Sabha  to abort and frustrate every move of government where, in the interests of the country , it needed their support , of course, after debates and discussions .
Frivolous issues, asking a Minister to leave the House or be “thrown out” for his alleged spoken words having been misquoted or misinterpreted, violent attack on a factory worker in Punjab, a protocol lapse regarding invitation of a CM to a function, crying political vendetta in respect of National Herald issue, demolition of a few juggies in Delhi,  etc have been made ground for not allowing the RS to function . Under one pretext or the other, it seems a well planned strategy by the Congress Party in not allowing the Rajya Sabha to function and repeated adjournments might be thought of by the Congress led opposition as their victory or having scored points but it had also the potentiality of getting rebounded or backfired.
We are marching ahead economically as various parameters indicate that amply like economic growth, industrial and agricultural growth etc having even outpaced world giants. Not only that, India under Modi Ji has become an investment destination of the developed world  outpacing even veterans and standing at No.1., Japan sanctioning an interest free loan of $120 crore for bullet train , inflation under reasonable check and diverse investments opening flood gates for employment for our youth who are a real developmental resource for the country and if Congress party continues with its present policy to put spokes in the wheels , it means that they are blocking the way of creating employment opportunities for the youth which could have the risk of most of them falling prey to anti national elements and utilizing their human resources in negative and unwarranted ways and that must disturb the sleep of all political leaders irrespective of Party affiliations. For making ground  to regain  power in 2019 is , perhaps in their calculations , related to  incessantly toil to thwart economic march of the country which is  on firm rails under Modi  so that the election plank to go to the people would be “Total failure on all fronts” by the BJP led NDA Government. So, is it that the bugle for 2019 elections has already been sounded by the Congress Party?