Building a New India with new energy

If his over 75 minute address to the newly elected MPs of the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) on May 25 is termed as Narendra Modi’s vision statement , a blue print of a synergetic policy to govern India during 2019-24, it will not be an overstatement, even in the least. His repeated stress on working without any discrimination like on the basis of caste or faith, is reminiscent of allaying fears of any kind in the minds of the religious minorities in the country and that meant walking an extra step to reach out to them and their yearnings. Winning their intrinsic confidence was the crux of the Prime Minister’s committed slogan, “Sab Ka Saath, Sab Ka Vikas and Sab Ka Vishwas”. It carries a dedication and attentiveness of the new Government to earn trust of everyone in the society in not only literally meaning it but appearing too to mean it. The commitment from the historic central hall of the Parliament by the Prime Minister that his Government was committed to ensuring safety and security of every citizen without any discrimination and work for the progress of India depicted the resolve and the vow “not to sit back” and “no stone will remain unturned to fulfil the aspirations and dreams.” He bowed and respectfully touched the constitution of India with his forehead to send message clear and straight that following, working and be strictly guided only by the constitution of India was non negotiable and the aim of his Government.
The massive rather historic mandate given by the Indian voters to the BJP led NDA formation, in reality meant a responsibility with added commitment and reaching to the last person on the pedestal to fulfil his or her aspirations and expectations from this Government. The electorate spurned and rejected allurements and promises in abundance coming forth from a huge combination of the opposition parties and invested their confidence and hopes in Modi with expectations of not only keeping the pace of performance with the same rhyme and rhythm as in the last five years but to vastly improve upon. In this connection, not only did the Prime Minister share valuable pieces of advice, of caution, of restraint, of honesty, of dispensing with the feelings of VIP syndrome and expecting special treatment at airports etc but listed a few measures taken by his Government too during the past five years
The message was clear and without any ambiguity which a dedicated leader must do with his team to prepare them, as law makers and leaders, to serve and to reach everyone without any discrimination and win their trust. It was not an address just for the formality on the occasion from the Prime Minister but words of responsibility, commitment, direction, vision and the strategy to be adopted to pursue and achieve the desired results. Since living a public life of simplicity but with impeccable honesty and integrity was concomitant of carrying an exalted image of the focussed aim of serving the people rather than the obverse, he listed the far reaching benefits thereof. He found the occasion opportune to underline the perils of ignoring or diluting things on moral grounds right from exhibiting complete mundanity by the elected MPs , especially the first timers, even in accepting a lift in a vehicle from unknown and unfamiliar or a small favour from anyone which later could boomerang with telling effects.
Since the stick which most of the opposition parties lavishly use to beat the BJP with, has been the plank of secularism and stand on minorities on unfounded and manufactured premises, Narendra Modi used the occasion opportune to decipher the entire puzzle of the vote bank politics and how minorities were made to live in fear . This has been done as a sort of practice only to cash it on the occasion of elections .He reminded the MPs and also the people as to how in 1857 struggle for freedom, all communities had joined hands and a similar movement was required for good governance now.