Bullet-riddled body of Hizbul militant found

SRINAGAR :  Bullet-riddled body of a Hizbul Mujahideen militant was found in a jungle today in north Kashmir, with police suspecting the hand of break-away Hizb faction Lashkar-e-Islam (LeI).
“A body was recovered in a jungle in Devbug Tangmarg in Baramulla district. The body has been identified as that of HM militant Fayaz Ahmad Bhat,” police said.
They said Bhat, a ‘commander’ of the outfit, was a resident of Wailo Pattan.
“The body is in army fatigues and has gunshot wounds,” the police said.
Police suspect that the act has been carried out by LeI – an outfit floated by Abdul Qayoom Najar, the longest surviving militant in north Kashmir.
Najar broke ranks with the Hizbul Mujahideen to form his own outfit. Police say the group carried out several attacks on mobile towers and other telecommunication installations in May and June this year.
The group is also believed to be behind killing of some separatist activists this year in Sopore area of the district.
On Monday, bullet-riddled bodies of three militants, believed to be belonging to LeI, were found in Dangerpora in Pattan area.
Hizb supreme Syed Salahuddin said the three belonged to his outfit. (AGENCIES)