Burn bodies of terrorists on heap of garbage: Togadia

NEW DELHI, Sep 19: Demanding concrete and decisive action following the Uri terror attack, VHP chief Pravin Togadia today said the bodies of terrorists should not be buried but burnt on a heap of garbage in public view.

He also sought that dialogue with Pakistan at all levels should be called off while trade agreements, including water treaty should be cancelled.

“They (Jihadis) should not be buried after their death but should be burnt on the heap of garbage in proper security and in public view, so that there is no hope for them to reach paradise as they are being preached,” Vishwa Hindu Parishad President said in a statement.

Saluting the brave soldiers who have been sacrificing their lives for India, Togdia said Pakistan is behind all such Jihadi attacks, whether on the security forces or on civilians.

Therefore, the Government must stop dialogue with Pakistan at all levels, cancel all trade agreements and suspend water treaty by stopping the water, he said.

Togadia added that the VHP is confident that the Union Government is serious about punishing Pakistan and all those perpetrators, supporters of Jihadi terror. (PTI)