Bust of Brig Rajinder Singh unveiled at Badami Bagh

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Oct 25: While welcoming various institutions paying homage to Brig Rajinder Singh, the president of J&K Ex-Services League, Maj Gen (Retd) Goverdhan Singh Jamwal has said that GOC 15 Corps, Lt Gen Bhat has unveiled a Bust of Brig Rajinder Singh (Posth), saviour of Kashmir to be installed in the Old Flag Staff House at Badami Bagh, Srinagar.
In press statement here Maj Gen Jawmal said Brigh Rajinder Singh had lived in Badami Bagh Cantonment as Brigade Commander Kashmir in 1947, before taking over as Chief of Military Staff from Maj Gen H L Scott on Sept 24, 1947.
Lt Gen Bhat while receiving the Bust mentioned, ” Had it not been for his supreme sacrifice, You and I, all would have not been here today.”
The Bust was presented by the family of Brig Rajinder Singh led by his daughter, Urvashi Pathania, wife of Late Col Snit Singh Pathania.
Maj Gen Jamwal further said that many institutions are celebrating Accession Day and also brig Rajinder Singh’s Martyrdom Day, as he was martyred on the night of Oct 26-27 after foiling the Pakistani invasion of 6000 men. He stopped Pak forces for 4 days thus enabling Maharaja Hari Singh to conduct parleys with Indian Union, followed by induction of Indian Army on Oct 27th morning at Srinagar Airport, which day is now observed as Infantry Day by the Army because this was the first war of the country after independence. The credit of saving the State, enabling accession and landing of Indian Army goes to Brig Rajinder Singh and his just 100 gallant Dogra soldiers. Their contributions can not be over looked, he maintained.