Busting the network

Liquidating six hardcore LeT terrorists, including one local among them, in the gun battle at Sopor should be a message to their mentors across the border that there will be no relent in taking on the infiltrators. Sopor has been a base for the terrorists for various reasons. It is the terminal point for entry and exit because of the vast hinterland touching with the porous border in Kupwara providing safe haven to militants. Terrorists will be searched for and hunted down. This is the simple message from security forces to the LeT leadership across the border. The role of senior police officers in Sopor is appreciable. They were able to gather intelligence about the presence of the terrorists in nearby hideouts and also in helping the troops in laying cordon to the suspected localities. The terrorists will be hunted wherever they are and in whatever locality they try to hide their head. This is the message from Sopor gun battle.