BVP adopts Rampur Gadwal, spends Rs 20 lakh for its development

Excelsior Correspondent

Representatives of BVP at a press conference at Jammu on Tuesday.

JAMMU, Dec 4: The Central team of Bharat Vikas Parishad (BVP) headed by Dr Shiv Jindal today visited Rampur Gadwal village in Samba district to inspect the progress of work of its development.
The village was adopted by BVP an NGO under its Samagra Gram Vikas Yojna in 2009 in collaboration with Dr Jindal Foundation Trust of Canada.
The Trust had provided Rs 20 lakh as financial assistance for the development of this remote village. The Trust had adopted total 27 villages all over India for development and Gadwal in J&K was one among them.
To ensure proper development of the village a Grameen branch of BVP having 16 members was established.
The BVP team was headed by Dr Shiv Jindal and Mrs Sarita Jindal chairman and chairperson SGVY who visited the village were accompanied by R P Gupta, Rahdey Sham Mahajan, and R K Mahajan.
Earlier talking to reporters Dr Jindal said the main purpose of adopting these villages is human development.  He was flanked by Sarita Jindal, S N Sharma chairman in charge village Project and Dr Kotwal.
He said under human development programme three basic things including health, education and employment of villagers is taken care of and in the Gadwal village under this programme.
He said at Gadwal one drain of 338 rft and two streets were constructed at an estimated cost of Rs 1.41 lakh. In addition to it the work of renovation of toilets, compound wall and white washing of school wall was also completed and one HP, SM and Pump was installed with hand pumps , plastic tank, septic tank at Middle School Gadwal on which Rs 2.09 lakh were spent has also been completed, he added.
He said under the sanitation at Rampur 28 individual toilets were constructed costing Rs 2.94 lakh, seven streets with tiles and nallies were constructed at an estimated cost of Rs 4.67 lakh, two drains were also constructed at an estimated cost of Rs 4.67 lakh and one  bathroom near primary school, Rampur for ladies and gents was constructed at an estimated cost of Rs 1.04 lakh, he added.
Moreover, under the environment programme 2000 plants were planted during these three years, he added.