CAB a historic decision by Modi Govt: Ravinder Raina

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Dec 17: Passage of Citizenship (Amendment) Bill (CAB) and its subsequent transformation into Act is a historic decision by Prime Minister, Narendra Modi led Government at the Centre, stated BJP State president, Ravinder Raina, while he was addressing a meeting of the senior leaders of BJP, from Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh at Party Headquarter, Trikuta Nagar, here, today.
Ravinder Raina was also accompanied by former MP (Rajya Sabha) Shamsher Singh Manhas, Dy. Chief Ministers, Dr. Nirmal Singh & Kavinder Gupta, State general secretary (Org.), Ashok Kaul, former Minister, Sat Sharma, former MLC, Ashok Khajuria, party State general secretaries, Dr. Narinder Singh, Yudhvir Sethi & Sunil Sharma, Mayor, (JMC), Chander Mohan Gupta at the stage.
Ravinder Raina, said that with the formation of CAA, long pending humanitarian demand to serve the justice has been met. He said that this bill has given the rights to people to enjoy the basic civil liberties and live their life with dignity. He strongly hailed the passage of bill and its subsequent transformation into Act, terming it as another milestone for Prime Minister Narendra Modi led Government at the Centre. He said that Modi Government is committed to serve the humanity and as such has taken the cognizance of the sufferers of circumstances. He termed the bills as the savior of those who were victimized at the hands of hostile governments in our neighbourhood.
Raina also attacked the Congress party for its launch of misinformation campaign. He blamed Congress and other political parties opposing the Bill and Act as pursuing Pakistani and anti-national agenda and asked them that if they don’t want to see India as globally strengthened and world leader.
Shamsher Singh Manhas, threw detailed light on the need of the bill and said that we need to understand the need of the act from the eyes of those who were forced to leave their homes as they faced religious persecution in neighbouring nations. He said that this Bill and Act has only given rights to the persons to live their life with dignity and safety and this bill not at all stands against anybody in anyway.
Ashok Kaul, said that the opposition parties are consistently trying to fan the violence, mislead the nation on one pretext or another. He attributed this to the frustration of the Congress and other political parties to save their shrinking political space.
Nirmal Singh, stressed that BJP today holds the distinction of only political party which has fulfilled its all poll promises making crucial and historic decisions.
Sat Sharma, prompted all activists to strongly counter the misinformation campaign led by Congress and other political parties by putting facts before the common masses.
Sunil Sethi, enlightened the BJP leaders about the socio-legal aspects of the implementation of CAB and its subsequent implications.