Cabinet approves scheme to appoint 8475 teachers for implementing RUSA

SRINAGAR : The State Cabinet today authorised the Education Department to appoint 8475 teachers on academic arrangement for the duration of the academic session or till the regular selection of teachers by the Services Selection Board.

An official spokesperson said, the Cabinet, which met here today under the chairmanship of Chief Minister Omar Abdullah, authorised the Education Department to implement a scheme for the appointment of 8475 teachers on academic arrangement, along the lines of the scheme, already in vogue for higher secondary schools for the appointment of lecturers.

He said these temporary appointments on academic arrangements will be for the duration of the academic session or till the regular selection of teachers by the Services Selection Board, whichever is earlier.

In another decision, the Cabinet approved the creation of State Project Directorate (SPD), Rashtriya Uchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (Mission Directorate). It also authorised the creation of 43 posts of different categories for the establishment of SPD to implement the Centrally Sponsored Scheme, RUSA, in the State from the year 2014-15, he added.

The Union HRD Ministry launched RUSA as the third tier of Centrally Sponsored Schemes in the Education sector following Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (Elementary Level) and RMSA (Secondary Level). The scheme was approved in October 2013.

He said the Cabinet sanctioned revision/updation of the list of the identified post (gazetted and non-gazetted) of persons with disabilities.

The Cabinet also approved the promotion of Mohammad Shafi Zahid, Deputy Director Archives, Archaeology and Museums as Director Archives, Archaeology and Museums prospectively.