Cabinet expresses concern over Shopian situation; orders replacement of CRPF

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Sept 12:  State Cabinet, which met here today under the chairmanship of Chief Minister Omar Abdullah, expressed grave concern over the recent incidents of violence in Shopian and issued directions to the Director General of Police for replacement of Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) personnel at the Gagran Camp with a contingent of Jammu and Kashmir Armed Police.
Sources said that soon after taking decision on the brief administrative agenda, the Chief Minister informed his Cabinet colleagues about the situation prevailing in Shopian. “Facts vis-à-vis circumstances in which a man was killed and two others sustained injuries in security force personnel firing have yet not come to fore”, he added.
The Cabinet took stock of the investigation by the police into the incident of firing at Gagran and noted with dismay that there was no clarity on the facts of the case even after five days of the incident. The Cabinet directed police authorities to determine the facts of the case, including the identity of the so far un-identified deceased person, within the next 48 hours.
“If the police fails to determine the facts during this period, a judicial enquiry to be conducted by a sitting Judge of the High Court, may be ordered”, the Chief Minister said in the Cabinet and directed the Director General of Police to replace the CRPF personnel at the Gagran Camp with a contingent of the JKAP.
It was noted with concern that failure of the police to come up with facts during the past five days has given an opportunity to the vested interests to launch uncalled for tirade against the Government and create more trouble.
“The situation is required to be defused as early as possible so that such elements don’t succeed in their nefarious designs”, sources said quoting some Ministers’ remarks during the Cabinet meeting, adding “they stressed that whosoever responsible for fomenting trouble should be dealt with sternly under law”.
The Cabinet also took serious note of the repeated ceasefire violations along the Line of Control, which have caused great distress to the residents inhabiting these areas. As all the Ministers were concerned over truce violations from across the border, it was decided that the matter would be brought to the notice of External Affairs Minister for being raised during his upcoming meeting with his Pakistani counterpart.
Meanwhile, Cabinet accorded sanction to the creation of 22 posts for Sri Partap Singh (SPS) Museum Srinagar. These include Chief Curator, Assistant Accounts Officer, Document Assistant, Senior Conservator, Assistant Curator, Senior Museum Guide and other ministerial and support staff.
Sources said that Cabinet also gave nod to revision of TA Rules of the employees. With the revision in the rules the TA of the employees will get enhanced.