Cable operator, youth shot dead in Shopian

Fayaz Bukhari
SRINAGAR, Aug 20: A cable network operator in South Kashmir’s Shopian district was shot dead by militants this evening while a youth was killed during the night taking the number of killings in last 24 hours in South Kashmir to 3.
Hilal Ahmad Malik of Malik Mohalla, Shopian was shot at by militants near his residence at around 8.05 p.m.
Malik was shifted to nearby hospital where from he was referred to Srinagar for treatment. However, he succumbed to his injuries on way to hospital in Srinagar.
Police, Army and Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) immediately reached the spot and a massive manhunt has been launched against the militants responsible for his killing.
In the meantime, a bullet- riddled body of a 16-year-old youth, was recovered in Shopian district of South Kashmir this morning.
The body of the teenager, was found by the locals who informed the police. The police recovered the body soon after information that the youth was lying in pool of blood near the peripheries of an orchard at Nagbal.
He has been identified as Gowhar Ahmad Dar son of Abdul Rahim Dar of Urpara, Nagbal.
Police said he was missing since last evening and perhaps kidnapped by militants. His bullet-riddled body was recovered today morning.
The killing of cable network owner is third killing since yesterday in South Kashmir. Militants shot dead a People’s Democratic Party (PDP) worker in Dailgam village of South Kashmir’s Anantnag district yesterday.
Militants opened firing on PDP worker Mohammad Isaaq Parray at Uggen in Dailgam. He sustained serious bullet wounds and was shifted to near by hospital where doctors declared him brought dead.
Soon after the incident, Army, SOG and CRPF launched a man hunt to nab the assailants. But no one was arrested.
The series of killing took place after security forces launched a massive operation in Shopian district in South Kashmir yesterday to flush out the militants.
Security forces yesterday cordoned off and conducted searches in 10 villages of Shopian including Chakoora, Mantribug, Zaipora, Pratabpora, Takipora, Ranipora, Ratnipora, Dangam, Kellar and Wangam. The joint operation was launched by Jammu and Kashmir Police, Army’s 62 Rashtriya Rifles (RR) and 114th Battalion of CRPF as in these villages as they are thought to be militant sympathizers and were targeting security forces whenever operation was there.
The objective was also to sanitise these areas so that militants keep away from these villages where the locals give cover to them during the operations by pelting stones at the security forces. The operation was, however, called off yesterday afternoon after no militants were found there.
It may be mentioned here that the militants who were roaming freely in South Kashmir early this year received serious setbacks after massive operation launched by the security forces during last two months killing dozens of militants including Lashkar-e-Toiba chief and six top commanders.