CAG raps J&K govt for poor police infrastructure, facilities

JAMMU : The Comptroller and Auditor General of India in its latest report has rapped Jammu and Kashmir government for poor infrastructure and lack of basic facilities for the police force in the state.
The government auditor came hard against the state’s ‘negligence’ towards police department as it revealed that 18 police stations and 103 police posts were operating without ‘own’ buildings.
“Under Modernisation of Police Force (MoPF) plan, assistance is provided for construction of buildings. As many as 18 police stations and 103 police posts in the state were without its own buildings. However, out of 192 only 89 police posts are functioning from own buildings”, Accountant General of J&K, Khalid Bin Jamal said.
The audit was conducted between January- April 2014 with an objective to find the annual plan provision of infrastructure for effective policing at police station level, funding for infrastructure facilities in accordance with BPR&D, Union Ministry of Home Affairs.
“Police Station is the first contact point of people in distress with the state government and hence the importance of efficient and effective police functioning at the police station level is important for building public confidence in the state. This seems to have been neglected”, CAG for the years ended 31st March 2014, said.
The report, which was tabled in the two houses of state Legislature here, said: “Out of Rs 394.30 crore incurred on construction works, only Rs 18.10 crore (three per cent) was incurred on construction, repair and renovation of police stations during the period 2004-14”.
The report further said the position of functional infrastructural facilities was found lacking in eight test- checked districts (105 police stations).
“The availability of interrogation room (17 per cent), rest room (28 percent), single lock-up room (49 per cent), separate toilets for women (12 per cent) was dismal. None of the PSs in six of the eight police districts had a separate toilet for the women”, it said.
In test-check of eight districts, out of 105 police stations, 25 have reception rooms, 18 have interrogation rooms, 81 have wireless rooms, 29 have rest rooms, 88 have boundary walls and only 13 have separate toilets, it said.
CAG pointed to a ‘dismal state of the police’ in terms of the family accommodation sector.
“The deficiency of family accommodation for upper and lower subordinate staff ranged between 84 and 91 per cent. Against requirement of 300 barracks only 207 barracks (69 per cent) were available in the state”, the report said.
CAG observed that National Police Commission in 1977 recommended 100 per cent family accommodation for police personnel, but in the state only 69 per cent lower staff has the facility.
It pulled the state government for violation of the J&K Police manual.
“As per J&K Police Manual, only serving police officers are entitled to the services of head constables and constables to work as their personal orderlies”, CAG report said.
“However, 198 police personnel were attached with retired police officers. Also, 180 police personnel had been deployed in the security of police officers and political leaders in excess of norms (‘Y’ category: 1-4 Guards at residence and 2 PSOs; ‘X’ category: 2 PSOs) fixed by the security wing of the department”, the report said.
CAG report also took a dig on the lack of desired level of mobility in the police force and the shortage of light motor vehicles (LMV) and motor cycles (MC), which are main source of making police movement fast.
“There was lack of desired level of mobility in the police force and the shortage of light motor vehicles (LMV) and motor cycles (MC) was to the extent of 53 per cent and 69 per cent respectively”, CAG report said.
“Against requirement of 432 vehicles (LMV: 248 and MC:184) as envisaged by the GoI, the 105 police stations in the eight districts were holding only 134 vehicles (LMV: 125 and MC: 9). Moreover, 26 PPs/PSs were without any vehicle and 28 PPs/PSs possessed condemned vehicles which continued to ply on road due to non-replacement”, it said.
CAG also revealed the government has been spending more funds at headquarter level police setup and depriving Police stations and Police posts of their share of funds.
“Allotment of fuel to vehicles at police stations was very meager as only 13 to 22 per cent of funds allotted for the purpose were utilized on these vehicles”, it said.
CAG report further revealed that one-third to one-fifth of fuel quota had been consumed in to and fro journeys by vehicles from PSs to petrol pumps located at respective district headquarters.
On the most important issue of the security to jawans, CAG pulled government for failure to provide them security vests to the policemen.
“In eight test-checked districts life saving equipment viz, Body Protectors and Bullet Proof Vests were not available with 64 police stations wherein 2865 police personnel remained posted”, it said.
CAG report further said: “Diet charges had never been provided to 16 police stations/police posts despite the fact that these police stations had detained persons. Stationery items were not provided to 80 police stations/police posts”.
The survey was conducted in eight districts of Jammu, Rajouri, Udhampur, Reasi, Srinagar, Anantnag, Baramulla and Budgam.
The CAG report mentions that Police post at Bhambla in Reasi with 22 police personnel (as per record) operates from a single rented room hired by Munshi from personal account. Police station Reasi and Ramble of Udhampur district are operating from the buildings declared unsafe.
Similarly police station Nowgam, Srinagar accommodated in a house gutted in fire and thereafter station is operated from a pre-fabricated room. (AGENCIES)