Call special Assembly session: Mir

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, July 3: Pradesh Congress Committee (PCC) president, Ghulam Ahmed Mir has urged the State Government to call a special session of J&K Legislative Assembly for taking up the issues of the public importance on priority.
The difference of opinion on AFSPA by both PDP and BJP has exposed the so called common minimum programme of Coalition Government and tall claims of PDP with regard to revocation of AFSPA.
Addressing a meeting of PCC office bearers, legislators, district presidents of Kashmir Valley today PCC chief said that people of the State are facing lot of problems and the Coalition Government is least bothered about the basic public issues. There is urgent need to address the burning issues of the people.
Mr Mir pointed out that the contradictions in the approach of both BJP and PDP towards Jammu and Kashmir State have alienated the people of all the three regions of the State. NDA Government of which PDP is a big brother in the Coalition doesn’t trust PDP. PDP which has failed on every count has also sacrificed its core agenda for the sake of power.
The regular statements issued by  NDA leaders especially Defence Minister and Home Minister with regard to J&K situation were clear indication of division between PDP and BJP and their so called CMP was nothing, but a power sharing formula, Mir maintained. He also castigated Home Minister for his AFSPA remarks and sought   clarity from the Central Government with regard to meaningful dialogue process.
PCC chief urged the State Govt to call a special session of J&K Legislative Assembly, so that the issue confronting people can be discussed threadbare for resolution. He also urged the Party cadres to work hard for further rejuvenating the party at all levels, remain vigilant and defeat the anti people polices of PDP- BJP coalition.
Those who were present   in the meeting included PCC vice president G N Monga, MLA Haji Abdul Rashid Dar, MLA Usman Majeed, MLA Mohd Amin Bhat, MLA Gulzar Ahmad Wani, vice presidents Mohd Anwar Bhat,  Amreen Badre, spokes person Farooq Andrabi, Nazir Ahmad Khan, Hilal Ahmad Shah, SS Channi general secretaries, secretaries- Irfan Naqeeb, Amit Amla, Imtiyaz Khan, Farooq Ahmad Bhat, Sahil Farooq, GA Gulzar, Zahid Hussain,  Anayatullah Rather, Abdul Gani Khan, Haji Farooq Mir, G M Mir, Abdul Qaoom Shah and GM Ganie- all district presidents besides others