No one in this world owes the land, instead it just belongs to its inhabitants. But who are those inhabitants? And what stay time frame can define them to be so? Well, according to me , natives of any area are the people who respect and share motherly love with that land. They are the ones who care for its welfare and cherish that. So basically ,those people are like children of their motherland.
And what does a human child do with their sibling who equally shares its closeness with the same mother ? Do they think of eliminating each other from the same house that they live in , devoiding the other of its existence ? The answer is exactly no, in fact the cherubic children become the apple of their parents’ eyes.
They coexist not by hatred but by cohesive force binding their relationship stronger and stronger indeed. So humans have got the innate ability to exist together. Now the question here again arises: what holds more value, to build a nation of humans belonging to the same religion or to live as one ? For now ,Israel and Palestine need to value each other’s life and instead of smothering their sacred land with blood they need to rethink what their disastrous actions can bestow them with .
Honey Sharma
Jammu University